By now, all WordPress themes make use of post featured image functionality to improve the aspect of your post pages. If you run a video website you might want your post to feature a WordPress featured video instead of an image. You might also want to control things like playback volume, display of different controls in player or other information.
This can be easily done with WordPress Video Plugin – VideographyWP that can import video content into your WordPress posts (including custom post types) from platforms YouTube, Vimeo and Dailymotion.
The plugin offers the possibility to import more than just the video embed and set it as WordPress featured video. You can set the video title as post title, import the description as post content or even set the video image as post featured image.
By embedding the video in place of the featured image, the plugin will replace your post featured image with the featured video embed.
An important thing to note here is that your WordPress theme doesn’t have to be capable of embedding videos. The entire process is managed by the plugin so this feature will work in any WordPress theme. The only requirement is that your WordPress theme must be coded using the standard templating functions.
Attach the featured video to your post
First of all, you will have to make a query (using the plugin) for a video. This is done very easily by providing a link for the video.
Replace image with WordPress featured video
After performing a query having the “Attach video to post” option checked, the video embed options will appear and you will be able to choose between various options.