
The complete VideographyWP PRO changelog.

Version, February 26th, 2025

  1. Improved video detection for Vimeo videos having channel URL;
  2. Video embedding container height set by CSS using aspect-ratio to avoid flashing content.

Version, June 17th, 2024

  1. Added filter "cvwp_embed_css_class" which allows additional CSS classes to be added to the video embed container;
  2. Added compatibility with premium WooCommerce theme Bedesk by "wpbingo" hosted on Themeforest.

Version, May 16th, 2024

  1. Added option for importing the video publishing date as post date.

Version, May 16th, 2024

  1. Solved bug in PHP 8.1+ that caused deprecated parameter notice when viewing the About page.

Version, January 23rd, 2024

  1. Added new option for WooCommerce gallery videos to enable or disable vide autoplay when changing the gallery image to video.

Version, November 28th, 2023

  1. Solved a compatibility bug with WooCommerce 8.3.1 that prevented the video to be embedded into the product gallery.

Version, October 30th, 2023

  1. Solved a bug in the WooCommerce product gallery that disabled image zoom when hovering over the images in product galleries until the video was played.

Version, October 13th, 2023

  1. Solved bug for theme Woodmart when viewing videos on small devices having theme setup to display thumbnails on the left side of the gallery.

Version, October 10th, 2023

  1. Solved a bug for YouTube videos that prevented some messages to be displayed correctly in case of error.
  2. Added side navigation for WooCommerce product galleries for theme Woodmart.

Version 1.1.5, October 4th, 2023

  1. Solved a bug that prevented queries to be made using the YouTube API key and was instead making oEmbed queries which return less information about videos;
  2. Added new functionality when testing the YouTube API key from the plugin settings to allow key checking without having to save the settings first;
  3. Solved bugs that were caused by queries made short YouTube link ( that had GET parameters on them;
  4. Updated scripts for the latest Block Editor release.

Version 1.1.4, September 13th, 2023

  1. Solved a bug related to theme Woodmart resizable galleries that was causing the WooCommerce product gallery navigation to display incorrectly when the video was placed on the first position in the gallery;
  2. Solved a bug when queries to YouTube Shorts were performed using URL's with GET parameter in them.

Version 1.1.3, September 12th, 2023

  1. Updated WooCommerce video product gallery compatibility for premium WordPress theme Woodmart.

Version 1.1.2, May 24th, 2023

  1. Solved VideographyWP PRO license registration bug that prevented the key from being registered on the CodeFlavors server.

Version 1.1.1, May 9th, 2023

  1. Solved issue with Vimeo videos having privacy Unlisted not being embedded by the plugin;
  2. Solved a bug for video embedding that prevented the custom player color for the Vimeo player not to be set.

Version 1.1, March 9th, 2023

  1. Moved all classes in plugin under the same namespace;
  2. Use autoload for all classes in plugin;
  3. Solved a script bug for theme Flatsome that prevented the video from loading in Firefox;
  4. Added support for YouTube shorts.

Version 1.0.63, February 23rd, 2023

  1. Solved a bug in WooCommerce Photoswipe galleries that caused the modal window created by Photoswipe to load the wrong image when zoomed by clicking on the product image.

Version 1.0.62, February 13th, 2023

  1. Solves a bug in the WooCommerce product gallery that displayed the featured video thumbnail image having full size instead of the thumbnail size set in WooCommerce settings for gallery thumbnails.

Version 1.0.61, December 7th, 2022

  1. Implemented new filter "cvwp_image_embed_skip_post_check" to allow replacement of featured image when embedding videos in other posts, for example, when using the WP Loop block;
  2. Disabled WooCommerce compatibility layer in responses to AJAX calls.

Version 1.0.60, August 31st, 2022

  1. Solved a bug in WooCommerce compatibility layer that prevented the video from being embedded correctly for theme Avada and possibly other themes using the default WooCommerce product gallery;
  2. Solved a bug that prevented plugin activation using WP-CLI.

Version 1.0.59, August 12th, 2022

  1. Solved a bug in WooCommerce compatibility layer;
  2. Implemented compatibility with premium WordPress theme "Riode" by "don-themes".

Version 1.0.58, April 15th, 2022

  1. Solved various JavaScript errors related to theme Flatsome Woocommerce product galleries.

Version 1.0.57, April 6th, 2022

  1. Added a mass post converter tool that allows bulk converting of existing video posts to VideographyWP by specifying the custom post meta that holds the video URL.
  2. Solved a compatibility issue with WordPress theme Enfold.

Version 1.0.56, March 21st, 2022

  1. Solved bug in Elementor templates that prevented the featured image from being displayed when "Replace with video" was selected in Elementor template editor and the post did not have a VideographyWP video attached to it.

Version 1.0.55, September 9th, 2021

  1. Added compatibility with theme Yolo Sofani.

Version 1.0.54, August 19th, 2021

  1. Updated VideographyWP compatibility with AMP plugin;
  2. Introduced compatibility with Elementor by adding an Elementor video widget and options for embedding into the post content widget and in place of the featured image widget;
  3. Improved page loading time in WooCommerce product gallery displaying videos by loading the player on request (if user clicks to view the video slide).

Version 1.0.53, August 6th, 2021

  1. Solved bug that disabled fullscreen functionality for Vimeo embeds.

Version 1.0.52, July 27th, 2021

  1. Added WooCommerce product gallery video compatibility with premium WordPress theme Jevelin.

Version 1.0.51, July 19th, 2021

  1. Updated the video player script to use the new Vimeo.Player Api.

Version 1.0.50, July 19th, 2021

  1. Removed references of Vine support from plugin pages;
  2. Added capability of importing Vimeo videos with private link.

Version 1.0.49, June 18th, 2021

  1. Introduced a new filter "cvwp-aspect-ratios" that allows registration of custom size ratio from theme functions.php or other third party code (see for an example);
  2. Solved a bug that was issuing notices for undefined variables when attaching a video to a WooCommerce product.

Version 1.0.48, June 17th, 2021

  1. Introduced 9:16 aspect ratio for video embedding.

Version 1.0.47, June 10th, 2021

  1. Solved a bug in WooCommerce variable products that prevented the gallery from going to the variation image when changing options from the variations form.

Version 1.0.46, June 10th, 2021

  1. Added compatibility with premium WordPress theme Newspaper.

Version 1.0.45, June 9th, 2021

  1. Replaced deprecated jQuery function calls that required jQuery Migrate and were missed in VideographyWP PRO 1.0.44.

Version 1.0.44, June 3rd, 2021

  1. Replaced all deprecated jQuery function calls that required jQuery Migrate.

Version 1.0.43, May 13th, 2021

  1. Added compatibility with premium WordPress theme "Elessi".

Version 1.0.42, April 19th, 2021

  1. Solved a rare bug ( "Call to a member function get_image_id() on null" ) that issued PHP errors in error log when used in WooCommerce product galleries.

Version 1.0.41, March 30th, 2021

  1. Resume autoplay in WooCommerce product gallery while on mobile devices if video is muted or in background mode.

Version 1.0.40, March 25th, 2021

  1. Cleaned up video player CSS when displayed in front-end;
  2. Minified the video player stylesheet.

Version 1.0.39, March 24th, 2021

  1. Added new embed option for Vimeo videos to load video muted; muted video can autoplay on most browsers;
  2. Added new embed option for Vimeo videos to load in background mode, which will hide the playback controls, enables autoplay, and loops the video (available only in paid Vimeo accounts);
  3. Updated the video embedding script to use these new settings; this might require the browser cache to be flushed for the changes to be available.

Version 1.0.38, August 26th, 2020

  1. Solved a bug that displayed the video into the footer when using Avada theme with Avada template builder and custom website footer;
  2. Added a new option in plugin Settings for Vimeo personal access token which allows queries to Vimeo for private videos; the private videos must belong to the account that granted API access;
  3. Solved a bug that caused the video setup not to embed the video or import the featured image if the video description was empty on Vimeo.

Version 1.0.37, June 9th, 2020

  1. Solved a bug when editing a post with an YouTube video attached to it which caused annotations option to not be saved.

Version 1.0.36, May 29th, 2020

  1. Solved a bug that prevented custom thumbnail to be added for the video in WooCommerce product gallery;
  2. Solved a bug that prevented variation image to be loaded when variation used the same thumbnail as the video in WooCommerce product gallery.

Version 1.0.35, April 15th, 2020

  1. Solved a bug that caused the editor to break when WP SEO plugin is present and active due to a bug in VideographyWP compatibility with WP SEO.

Version 1.0.34, February 4th, 2020

  1. Implemented compatibility with WordPress theme Yolo Motor;
  2. Solved a bug that displayed empty link to plugin Settings page when attaching a video to an unsaved new post.

Version 1.0.33, January 11th, 2020

  1. Implemented option for customizing color of overlay play button in WooCommerce product galleries and lazy load video embeds for WordPress posts.

Version 1.0.32, January 8th, 2020

  1. Implemented compatibility with plugin Yoast SEO: Video;
  2. Implemented compatibility with premium WordPress theme Medicare.

Version 1.0.31, October 22nd, 2019

  1. Added origin parameter for YouTube embeds;
  2. Made YouTube embeds default to https;
  3. Introduced WooCommerce product gallery video compatibility for premium WordPress theme Woodmart;
  4. Solved a rare bug that caused the plugin to embed videos on any WP loop.

Version 1.0.30, September 9th, 2019

  1. Added filter "cvwp_the_post_option_default" that allows modification of post default options;
  2. Added extra styling for WooCommerce video thumbnail play button to force display the overlaying image on thumbnail.

Version 1.0.29, July 2nd, 2019

  1. Added compatibility with premium WordPress theme Merchandiser -

Version 1.0.28, June 25th, 2019

  1. Added new plugin option under tab Settings that allow various plugin messages to be displayed as HTML comments in front-end pages. Mainly used for debugging, should be left unchecked on live websites.

Version 1.0.27, June 20th, 2019

  1. Added compatibility with WooCommerce gallery plugin "WooSwipe".

Version 1.0.26, May 30th, 2019

  1. Added embedding using the original video aspect ratio for Dailymotion videos.

Version 1.0.25, May 27th, 2019

  1. Solves a bug for theme Flatsome that caused the product gallery to link directly to full image instead of opening in PhotoSwipe.

Version 1.0.24, May 10th, 2019

  1. Solves bug accidentally introduced in version 1.0.22.

Version 1.0.23, May 10th, 2019

  1. Solved a rare player bug that was generating JavaScript errors when video was stopped.

Version 1.0.22, May 9th, 2019

  1. Added WooCommerce product gallery compatibility for premium WordPress theme "Sober".

Version 1.0.21, April 11th, 2019

  1. Added WooCoomerce product gallery compatibility with premium WordPress theme Primrose;
  2. Added compatibility with Elementor PRO post templates to replace featured image with video embed.

Version 1.0.20, April 9th, 2019

  1. Solves a bug in theme Tokoo compatibility that was causing video playback to run on wrong slide.

Version 1.0.19, April 9th, 2019

  1. Added WooCommerce product gallery compatibility with ThemeForest theme Tokoo

Version 1.0.18, March 22nd, 2019

  1. Solved a bug that was causing a PHP warning division by 0 when making video queries for Dailymotion and YouTube videos;
  2. Solved a bug that was attaching multiple video query events to "Query video" button when "Remove attached video" was clicked.

Version 1.0.17, March 21st, 2019

  1. Introduced option for setting the position where the video should appear in WooCommerce product galleries;
  2. Introduced option for video loop (supported only by Vimeo and YouTube);
  3. Solved a bug that was preventing the plugin to correctly identify Gutenberg editor.

Version 1.0.16, March 20th, 2019

  1. Solved a compatibility issue with WP theme Avada that caused the full image to be shown when clicking on video in WooCommerce product gallery.

Version 1.0.15, February 20th, 2019

  1. Added compatibility with WordPress theme Space

Version 1.0.14, February 12th, 2019

  1. Embed video in theme Leka quick view modal window in WC product archive pages and shop homepage.

Version 1.0.13, February 7th, 2019

  1. Added compatibility with WordPress premium theme Leka.

Version 1.0.12, January 28th, 2019

  1. Added YouTube API key verification in plugin Settings page under APIs&Licence tab;
  2. Added video tutorial in plugin Settings page under tab APIs&Licence that shows how to generate YouTube API key if key isn't already filled.

Version 1.0.11, January 10th, 2019

  1. Solved a bug that generated a "Bad request" error when a query was made for YouTube video (caused by white space inserted accidentally before or after the API key in plugin settings).

Version 1.0.10, January 5th, 2019

  1. Solved a JS bug that prevented the post title, content and featured image to be set in post edit screen if the video was attached to the post in a previous step;
  2. Solved a JS bug that prevented the video from being embedded in post edit screen if global option for lazy load was on and the post did not had a featured image set;
  3. Solved jQuery migrate notices;
  4. Converted administration plugin settings fields for numbers (ie. video volume, video width) from type text to type number;
  5. Added compatibility with Gutenberg editor;
  6. Added more detailed error messages whe a queried video can't be imported due to third party API errors.

Version 1.0.9, November 27th, 2018

  1. Solved a compatibility bug with theme "Bateaux" that was force displaying an additional thumbnail in WooCommerce product gallery even if no video was attached to the product;
  2. Solved a compatibility bug with theme "Flatsome" that was causing the custom thumbnail not to be displayed in product gallery if set;
  3. Solved a compatibility bug with theme "Flatsome" that was causing the video not to be displayed if no gallery images are set on a WooCommerce product;
  4. Solved a compatibility bug with theme "Bridge" that was causing the custom thumbnail not to be displayed in product gallery if set;
  5. Added compatibility with WordPress plugin "AMP for WordPress".

Version 1.0.8, November 16th, 2018

  1. Introduced possibility to add additional tabs in plugin "Settings" page;
  2. Added a new tab in plugin "Settings" page with information on WooCommerce theme compatibility;
  3. Modified WooCommerce compatibility class to work with an array of compatible themes and plugins;
  4. Introduced WooCommerce compatibility with premium WordPress theme "Bateaux";
  5. Unified all front-end JavaScript loading of minified files if constant "SCRIPT_DEBUG" is off in WordPress;
  6. Moved all theme compatibility classes to a separate folder within "includes/libs/woocommerce" folder.ibs/woocommerce" folder.

Version, September 25th, 2018

  1. Added compatibility with Genesis theme Patron;
  2. Introduced function cvwp_video_data();
  3. Solved a bug in theme Flatsome compatibility layer that was adding the video thumbnail to Woocommerce product gallery even if no video was attached to the product;
  4. Lowered nunber of parameters for featured image embed to only 2 in order to prevent an error that certain WP themes triggered by implementing filter "post_thumbnail_html" with only 2 parameters instead of 5 (the number of parameters passed by WordPress).

Version, July 10th, 2018

  1. Compatibility with plugin "YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier" for embedding videos in WooCoomerce product galleries;
  2. New option that allows embedding without cookies from YouTube.

Version, July 6th, 2018

  1. Solved WooCoomerce notice "Notice: id was called incorrectly. Product properties should not be accessed directly" caused by direct use of product ID instead of using getter method.

Version 1.0.7, May 23rd, 2018

  1. Video embedding is done by taking into account the width/height size ratio of the video for platforms that give this information (currently only Vimeo).

Version 1.0.6, May 7th, 2018

  1. Implemented plugin compatibility with WordPress theme "Unicon" by minti.

Version, March 10th, 2018

  1. Solved JS error that wasn't embedding videos if other scripts were using YouTube API callback;
  2. Solved an error that wasn't displaying the video in WooCommerce when setting a custom thumbnail and that particular image was removed from Media Gallery.

Version, February 21st, 2018

  1. Implemented plugin compatibility with WordPress theme "Basel" by xtemos.

Version, February 19th, 2018

  1. Extra option added for WooCommerce products to select custom video thumbnail for the product gallery;
  2. Made plugin fully compatible with Toolset Views plugin;
  3. Introduced new plugin filter "cvwp_lazy_load_image_url" that can be used to change the image size/image on lazy load video embed;
  4. Allowed video embeds when AJAX calls are made.

Version, January 16th, 2018

  1. Solves a bug in some WordPress themes that don't implement hook "woocommerce_before_single_product";
  2. Adds a new filter "cvwp_allow_plugin_messages" that can be used to prevent the plugin from outputting HTML comment style messages into the page output.

Version, November 9th, 2017

  1. Solves a bug accidentally introduced in version which prevents all videos from being set on posts.

Version, November 8th, 2017

  1. Implemented compatibility with WordPress theme Bridge by QODE.

Version, November 7th, 2017

  1. Solved a bug that was causing WooCommerce Zoom not to work if video was placed into product gallery.

Version, November 6th, 2017

  1. Implemented WooCommerce Flatsome theme compatibility;
  2. Added new WooCommerce product option that allows video embedding instead of product main image if no gallery images are set;
  3. Solved a bug that was preventing the video from being embedded on WooCommerce product pages when no gallery images or featured image was set;
  4. Implemented new option for WooCommerce products that allows replacing of product image with video when no gallery images are set.

Version, July 27th, 2017

  1. Modified WooCommerce compatibility script to start on DOM ready instead of window load event;
  2. Added a fail safe checking into WooCommerce compatibility script to embed the video into the gallery when FlexSlider start event was missed for any reason.

Version, July 26th, 2017

  1. Solved a bug that wasn't saving the option on WooCommerce product to show the video at the beginning of the gallery when WP theme embedding was enabled.

Version 1.0.5, July 26th, 2017

  1. Solved WooCommerce gallery lightbox bug that was showing an empty image in lightbox for the video;
  2. Added new option for WooCommerce products to place the product video first or last in gallery.

Version 1.0.4, July 6th, 2017

  1. Solved a JavaScript bug that was preventing the featured product video from loading if no WooCommerce gallery image was set on product;
  2. Solved a PHP bug that was preventing the default WooCommerce display to be shown to users if no product image was set.

Version 1.0.3, June 21st, 2017

  1. Solved a bug that in some cases prevented the video to load correctly in WooCommerce product gallery;
  2. Modified query to Vimeo API to ask for bigger image (maximum 1280 pixels wide);
  3. Introduced several new WP plugin filters that can hide plugin settings fields and display custom messages instead;
  4. Introduced 2 more filters that can be used to prevent any updates to be made for plguin licence and YouTube API key.

Version 1.0.2, June 16th, 2017

  1. Added WooCommerce product video support. The plugin will automatically embed video into product image gallery;
  2. Solved a video embedding issue that was causing Vimeo embeds to issue "undefined variable" errors;
  3. Made scripts follow WordPress SCRIPT_DEBUG constant and load the developer files when SCRIPT_DEBUG is true.

Version 1.0.1, January 5th, 2017

  1. Added filter "cvwp_allow_video_embed" to embeds replacing featured image too;
  2. Added new filter "cvwp_video_embed_html" that allows to modify video embed HTML;
  3. Added NewsTube theme compatibility.

Version 1.0, March 28th, 2016

  1. Initial release